Organization name
Tucson Interfaith HIV/AIDS Network (TIHAN)
2660 N 1st AveTucson, AZ 85719
We are a coalition of individuals, businesses, organizations, and faith communities providing compassionate support services to help people with HIV to live well, and offering HIV education to end the stigma attached to this disease. We are a 501(c)(3) organization, and without prejudice or proselytism, we support people to live as well as possible with HIV and make sure they know and feel that they are not alone in this journey.
At TIHAN, we see a wide diversity of people with HIV coming to us for help and support. Many people have been beaten down by the impact of this disease upon their bodies, but also too often upon their minds and souls. Too often, people with HIV have faced discrimination and rejection, from families, friends, employers. Too often they're frustrated by a healthcare system that is complex and difficult to understand, by cuts to programs that support them, by straining to navigate social service systems to access resources of support while living on a meager disability income. The stigma is still too strong, and isolation and depression are still too prevalent. And the vast majority of people we serve are living in poverty, and have been marginalized because of their life circumstances.
So people come to TIHAN and we offer care and support and companionship, hope and hospitality. We offer meals and emotional and social support and care packages. We provide advocates and CareTeams and resources of empowerment, including classes on Living Well. We make sure they know that they are not alone and that we will provide support to help them live with HIV as well and as fully as possible.
TIHAN does not receive any public funding. Our programs are funded entirely by contributions, fundraising events, and people and groups like you who make gifts in support of our work and our people. As the largest volunteer-based HIV organization in the state of Arizona, and the largest privately-funded HIV program in the state as well, TIHAN leverages the resources that you entrust to us.
Organization name
Tucson Interfaith HIV/AIDS Network (TIHAN)
2660 N 1st Ave