Organization name
Bantu Hope Ministries Inc
5360 Edmondson Pike #603Nashville, TN 37211
Living is one of the most important and rewarding parts of a Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. According to him, money given produces more joy than is could ever buy. He continues that the more you give, the more you are fulfilled and the more you want to give. It’s a great cycle to be on. Giving is not a matter of moving money from your wallet to Bantu Hope; it is a matter of realizing that there are others in Africa less fortunate than you.
By donating to Bantu Hope, you partner with us to give encouragement, hope, and relief to African in poor and remote communities that are less fortunate than you. The more you help, the more joy you will experience.
Organization name
Bantu Hope Ministries Inc
5360 Edmondson Pike #603