Organization name
Friends of the Children Phoenix
4050 E Cotton Center Blvd Suite 12Phoenix, AZ 85040
To achieve our mission, we identify kindergartners experiencing poverty, trauma, and at highest risk of involvement in the child welfare system. Once enrolled, each child is supported year-round by a highly-trained, professional-not volunteer-mentor (called a "Friend) who helps them create and reach short- and long-term academic and prosocial development goals, from kindergarten through high school graduation-12+ years, no matter what!
Six program features distinguish Friends of the Children's evidence-based program model:
(1) We identify and serve children challenged by numerous risk factors, such as exposure to domestic or community violence, parental incarceration, and substance use in the home;
(2) We hire full-time, trained professional mentors (Friends) who have a strong understanding of youth development, and the skills and knowledge to work with children and families who have experienced significant trauma;
(3) We start working with children when they are in kindergarten and commit to them for 12+ years;
(4) We are involved in all facets of a child's life and are able to address the underlying issues that may be impeding their development;
(5) We develop trusting relationships with parents/caregivers, empowering them to address their own needs, and partner in their child's learning and healthy development; and
(6) We are part of a national network with nearly three decades of external evaluation.
Our vision is that one day all children in Phoenix will have a long-term, consistent relationship with a caring adult who believes in them. As we integrate our services into the Phoenix community's continuum of care, we are focusing within neighborhoods where our model can have the greatest impact. The South Phoenix region and Roosevelt School District is our current area of focus. We are establishing a trusting relationship with John F Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and John R Davis elementary schools in the Roosevelt school district. We are on our way to serving over 36 youth by the end of the calendar year 2022.
Organization name
Friends of the Children Phoenix
4050 E Cotton Center Blvd Suite 12