Iskashitaa Refugee Network

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$10,000 Goal

Iskashitaa Refugee Network creates opportunities to integrate UN refugees into the Southern Arizona community while educating the public, strengthening the local food system, reducing local food waste, and increasing food security

Iskashitaa is the Somali and Maay Maay word for "working cooperatively together," which embodies our philosophical approach to solving the complex multifaceted issues facing the Tucson community around food insecurity and refugee integration. Iskashitaa Refugee Network (IRN) is an intergenerational network of Tucson volunteers and UN refugees from Africa, Asia and the Middle East, who locate, harvest, and re-distribute locally grown fruits and vegetables which would otherwise go to waste. IRN's goal is to empower recently arrived refugees by connecting them with a wide variety of resources and opportunities to interact with the community. Through gleaning activities, refugees are introduced to local farms, hydroponic and aquaponics operations, farmer's markets and other community festivities as well as backyard and community gardens. IRN teaches community members about sustainable food systems and fruit tree identification, harvesting techniques and seeks to increase food security and improve self-sufficiency among refugee households and other families in need. Refugees from ~30 ethnic groups learn the geography of Tucson, gain valuable life skills, improve their English, develop a US work history and access to healthy foods and food preservation techniques.

Iskashitaa operates the only year-round gleaning program in Southern Arizona and educates on the multiple uses of traditional and nontraditional, native and non-native fruits, nuts, pods, seeds, and even flowers. Harvests include over 20 types of citrus and an additional 50 of food products from trees, herbs, and cacti.


A quote from a Bhutanese youth captures the meaning of Iskashitaa- working cooperatively together in Maay Maay, "We have learned so much from Iskashitaa and they inspire us to give back daily." Hari Nepal, Bhutan

"There are many places in Tucson to help refugees, but Iskashitaa is the only place where, I know, if they get the case, they will finish it. I have known Iskashitaa for over five years. They help and advocate the rights for a community that has little voice and high needs. Iskashitaa helps us in many ways, such as legal, medical and social services. Barbara's courage and positive leadership help us overcome our struggles."- Sahra Hirsi, Somalia

With Iskashitaa we give back the hope's life to a refugee from any corner of the world, Thank you Iskashitaa for the work done"-Alain C. Asylum seeker, Congo

Giving Activity

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Organization name

Iskashitaa Refugee Network

Tax id (EIN)




3736 E 2nd St
Tucson, AZ 85716



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