Mending Souls

A nonprofit organization

The global mission of the Charity Factory and Free Academy is to teach how to manufacture and donate over 50 zero-waste clothing, medical, and educational items while creating a two-way benefit structure of Givers, who create a family, while bringing comfort and employment opportunities to the chronically ill and financially disadvantaged in our communities: including over 139 schools, hospitals, fire/police departments, nursing homes, Veterans homes, homeless/DV shelters, and animal rescues.

Going on 7 years, the Mending Souls has hand made and donated over 250,000 handmade medical, educational and clothing items in 50 designs for all ages and disabilities. The job training Free Academy teaches sewing, knit/crochet, embroidery, cardmaking, cutting patterns and kit-making for curbside service where over 1,100 volunteers in Tucson pick up and drop off their handmade treasures. Our 22 Team Captains lead their volunteers in design, delivery, sewing, inventory/quality control, fundraising and more. In-house classes are a special gathering place to give community and a purpose while manufacturing: teddy bears, PPE, blankets, wheelchair/walker totes, bibs/burp cloths, chemotherapy caps, Dignity Curtains over body fluid containers, activity mats for dementia and developmental needs, Dignity Scoop bandanas for excessive drool, and over 40 more items. The zero-waste designs are free, available online, can use upcycled materials, and are co-created with end-users: doctors, teachers and medical staff.


"When I had my hair, breasts and ovaries removed, your chemo caps and headbands helped more than you know - they told others and myself that that I was still a woman..." - Leslie, Cancer patient.
"You have no idea what it means to the nurses and families to have your Bereavement Totes and Teddies so we don't have to give them their items in a plastic hospital bag when doing these Honor Walks [escorting family member to organ harvesting room]" - Billy, Hospital Procurement.
"Thank you for my pretty curtain that covers my Foley [urine] bag at the dinner table!"-R.D., In-home patient.
"I had no idea how much I could be paid to do upholstery!" - Melanie, during local retail store tour.

Organization Data


Organization name

Mending Souls

Tax id (EIN)




5320 E Speedway
Tucson, AZ 85711