Organization name
Homeless Engagement & Lift Partnership Inc.
610 E. Bell Rd #2-555PHOENIX, AZ 85022
Homeless Engagement Lift Partnership have been a 501(c)3 for 12 years and has helping 1000"s of Children, Family's that are experiencing homelessness. Here are a few of our programs that we do during the year.
Helpnackz - This H.E.L.P program provides nutritional food for our AT Risk children in the community by filling the night time hunger gap until their next school breakfast and lunch meals. As of 2023 we are delivering 25,000 Helpsnackz to 23 different school districts valley wide and have a waiting list for additional schools. Volunteers assemble the HelpSnackz at our monthly events.
Back to School Drive - We always need companies/organizations to help us collect new backpacks and school supplies for the upcoming school year for at risk, displaced and homeless children. Every child should have all the tools to succeed in school. Let's support these students to start their year off right.
Water Day - H.E.L.P. Volunteers gather together to brighten the day for families we serve. We prepare children for the upcoming school year with backpacks filled with the school supplies they will need at a fun-filled Water Day event. Kids enjoy the water slide, giant slip-and-slide, water games, water balloon toss, donut eating contests and much more. It is a day for the children to have a day of FUN and no worries. Come join the fun!
HHF - Helping Hungry Families - Serving at risk, displaced and homeless children and their families with non-perishable foods and household goods including baby food and diapers. School liaisons alert HELP about school district families in need. We deliver food and household necessities to ensure that no child goes to bed hungry and that the family has desperately needed supplies.
Adopt A Family - During the holiday season, we help families in need in our community. There are opportunities for someone to Adopt a Family. In 2023 we adopted out 306 families and had 17 Santa's out delivering over 4000 wrapped gifts.
Estrella Vista STEM Academy:
I want to say Thank you very much for what you do. At my school, we have a few students that are McKinney Vento and since we have been able to give these HELPSnackz, I can see how great this has been helping them. Some of these students had been struggling with food and these HELPSnackz have been great for them to have.
Since we have been able to hand out the HELPSnackz, I have also had the opportunity to meet new students.
I just love the positive affirmations written on the bags, the time all the volunteers take to write those beautiful messages and add stickers. Thank you, all of you for everything you do. Thank you for providing that extra meal at home.
Thank you, a million times, over.
""A&M Mechanical is honored to give back to our community,
serving our homeless Veterans and Families as a H.E.L.P. Elite
Member. Having a heart especially for those who have served
our country, widows, elderly, and children, we are blessed to be
able to provide assistance where needed. The HelpSnackz
Program is an excellent way for us to provide care and
nourishment to the less fortunate children in our community."
-Amy McClure
Organization name
Homeless Engagement & Lift Partnership Inc.
610 E. Bell Rd #2-555