Organization name
International Hummingbird Society
other names
The Hummingbird Society
PO Box 4222Sedona, AZ 86340-4222
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit headquartered in Sedona, Arizona, focused on conservation and education of hummingbirds. Our conservation efforts are mainly focused on critically endangered species including, the Juan Fernández Firecrown found on Robinson Crusoe Island off of the coast of Chile, the Chilean Woodstar that is found in a remote area of Chile. We also support the endangered Marvelous Spatuletail hummingbird found only in a very small region of northern Peru.
The International Hummingbird Society is funded primarily by memberships: individual/family, business, and corporate sponsors. The current membership is dispersed across all US states and many foreign countries.
We put on a three-day festival each year in the summer. Many presenters from far and wide come to speak and educate others about hummingbirds. We have banders come and band hummingbirds, the Northern Arizona Audubon Society provides informative early morning birding trips, vendors display and sell their hummingbird art, and local residents allow our festival participants to go and view their beautiful gardens and see hummingbirds enjoying the gardens.
Organization name
International Hummingbird Society
other names
The Hummingbird Society
PO Box 4222