Organization name
Rotary Club of Sedona Charitable Fund
P.O. box 2170Sedona, AZ 86339
More About Us
Your donation will help provide:
• Books for pre-school children to help prepare them for success in school;
• Extended day programs that provide a safe and constructive environment for elementary age children;
• Transition housing for families who find themselves needing temporary shelter and a helping hand;
• Leadership and service-oriented programs for junior and senior high school students;
• College and vocational scholarships to help young people transition to their chosen career;
• Meals and access to food for those who are food insecure;
• Gifts for families and children to make the holiday season just a little bit brighter;
• Highways that are free of litter and about which our community can be proud;
• First-time access to clean, in-home running water for Native American; and
• Support for many other programs and services that make our region a better place.
Thank you for making lives better!
Organization name
Rotary Club of Sedona Charitable Fund
P.O. box 2170