White Mountain Shooters Assoc., Inc.

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$2,500 Goal

The White Mountain Shooters Association (WMSA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit tax-exempt entity, incorporated in Arizona in 2005 and formed for the express purpose of creating and operating a public recreational shooting range in the White Mountains, near Show Low. The Second Knoll Target Range is a collaborative effort between the Arizona Game and Fish Department, ADOT and the US Forest Service, with WMSA managing the operation of the range.

The Second Knoll Target Range is a nationwide model for range design in the National Forest. It's a joint venture between the Arizona Game and Fish Department, the National Forest Service, ADOT, and the White Mountain Shooters Association. Second Knoll Target Range is open for public use on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday (weather permitting). The range is under the control of trained volunteer Range Safety Officers whose primary goal is to ensure that everyone remains safe.

We currently offer a 100-yard all-purpose range for public use for rifles and pistols. The range complex also offers other facilities that are available through affiliated club activities. These are a 50-yard "bullseye" pistol range equipped with turning targets and four 25-yard training and competition bays. The 50-yard range and competition bays are also available for rent for private events.

Our range is a public range under the auspices of the Arizona Game and Fish Department. This is a pilot program that is being considered for future implementation in National Forests across the country.


WMSA is designed to be an umbrella organization, which both operates the public range and facilitates the various clubs running shooting events in their areas of interest. We are a "big tent," ready to accept any safe shooting activity the members want. This club will be member driven, specifically serving the wants of local shooters.

We are a group of highly experienced shooters and competitors who are looking toward expanding shooting opportunities for the future. Our range is used for recreational shooting, practice, training and competition in many of the shooting sports, primarily pistol and rifle. Various entities may host Hunter Safety and CCW Training while Law Enforcement training and the High School introduction to Firearms Courses may also be conducted at the range.

Organization Data


Organization name

White Mountain Shooters Assoc., Inc.

Tax id (EIN)




Forest Service Rd. 206
Show Low, AZ 85901



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