All Souls Procession/Many Mouths One Stomach

A nonprofit organization

$25,684 raised by 257 donors

Many Mouths One Stomach is a Tucson-based collective of artists, teachers and community activists who create, inspire, and manifest modern festal culture: the expression of core human needs through public celebration and ceremony. The All Souls Procession, our primary event, fulfills the need to mourn, reflect on, and celebrate the universal experience of death and grief. Our events reclaim public space through art and blur the line between participant and observer, ritual and performance.

The All Souls Procession had its beginnings in Tucson, Arizona in 1990 with a ceremonial performance piece created by local artist Susan Johnson. Johnson was grieving the passing of her father, and as an artist, she found solace in a creative, celebratory approach to memorializing him. After that first year, many artists were inspired to continue, growing the Procession into its modern incarnation. Today we find ourselves organizing over 150,000 participants on the streets of Tucson for a human-powered procession that ends in the ceremonial burning of the Urn- filled with the hopes, offerings and wishes for those who have passed. Along the route and at the Finale site, professional artists and ordinary folk alike present altars, installations, performances, costumes, floats, and creative works of all kinds. The All Souls Procession, and now the entire All Souls Weekend, is a celebration and mourning of the lives of our loved ones and ancestors. Join us for the 35th Annual event on Sunday November 3, 2024.

Many Mouths One Stomach was created in 1995 and became a 501c3 in 2006 to manage and fund an event that was growing beyond its creators' capacity. The formation of the organization catalyzed and solidified many of the community activities that are part of "Festal Culture".
Teaching movement, circus arts, puppet making and hosting, producing and curating events for other organizations. MMOS also provides consultant and technical direction for up-and-coming local talent.

The All Souls Procession crosses societal, economic, racial and artistic boundaries like no other singular event. Our organization's curatorial tendencies are towards free, open and participatory events and experiences that affirm an individuals' creativity within the context of community and the cycles of humanity and nature.


As a participant I felt connected to my grief in ways I never had before. As a volunteer, I become connected to others' grief, love, passion, forgiveness, wonder, skepticism, change, tradition, name it. So much connection, so much life, all wrapped up in this ceremony. It fills me up with hope.
- Eva Pena

I shed my everyday skin for one day a year, and on this day I feel the truest form of myself. I leave the ego, I leave my mind, I leave behind the burdens of everyday life and simply serve. I serve my community. And it's within this service, that I've come to realize my own sacredness, my own depth of love, my own capacity for empathy. And within realizing all these things within myself, I became more aware of them within our community. This is the day we all stop, drop, and love. We acknowledge the hurt in each other after the loss of a friend, family member, child, parent, animal companion, idea, relationship, even our favourite diner.
- Davina Araiza

I took my best friend with me this year. She had just lost her uncle to cancer earlier that week, and in April the only father figure I've ever had passed away suddenly. So in addition to Nana and My aunt, we walked for them as well. There were lots of tears, and even some laughter remembering the good and happy times. Me and her have been best friends for almost 7 years and that night her, me, and [my son] Adrian bonded like never before. It was amazziinnng .. Words cannot express how grateful I am for all you wonderful people do to make that night happen.
- Rosita Michelle

The most beautiful and validating grief ritual I have encountered. Beautiful people who let us know we can "celebrate our beloved dead" forever. No pressure to "move on."
- Susan Crouse

[My grandmother] asked that we celebrate her life by walking the procession, as we used to do with her before she passed. I know that my family & I will be so happy to see her face there with us!
- Riche Jones

When I'm at the [All Souls Arts] workshop, and an old Mexican grandma comes in and makes a shrine and she's never made anything before in her life, and she's covered with glue and glitter and paint and she's made some beautiful little flowers and stuff, and it all comes together at the end, there's a moment there of….'Oh my god, I made this.' And that is really magical. It's not quantifiable. It's this powerful, powerful experience. That's why I do this. Beyond all of the other things, that moment, the sharing of my passion for creativity, and seeing it all come together, that's why I care.
- Mykl Wells

Can not put into words how magical and healing it was! Simply beautiful...

Organization Data


Organization name

All Souls Procession/Many Mouths One Stomach

Tax id (EIN)




P.O. Box 15
Tucson, AZ 85702



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