Ballet Arizona

A nonprofit organization

$75,460 raised by 311 donors

Ballet Arizona's mission is to ignite the human spirit through the magic of dance

Ballet Arizona believes that a performance can change lives. We offer our audiences and participants the opportunity to expand your imagination on a unique journey to a place where it has never been and allow you to experience art in a way that surpasses words! Your gift helps us do that and more! Below are some other ways how your support helps our organization and our community:

Ballet Arizona Professional Company
Did you know your gift…
• Provides greater Phoenix with an acclaimed ballet company led by Artistic Director Ib Andersen
• Helps us to continue to be nationally-recognized as "one of the most enterprising companies anywhere," according to the New York Times
• Keeps 30 professional dancers from countries around the world on their toes by performing inspiring classics and contemporary ballets each season
• Creates original ballets performed outdoors in public parks and at the Desert Botanical Garden
• Brings our audiences live music by The Phoenix Symphony for most ballet performances

The School of Ballet Arizona
Did you know your gift…
• Gives confidence to 300 young people each year as they learn to aspire and inspire, to persevere, and to bring joy through the art of dance
• Provides scholarships to the future artists of tomorrow who cannot afford dance tuition
• Boosts the self-esteem, coordination, and confidence of children with Down Syndrome through our Adaptive Dance program
• Connects the mind to the body and eases tremors for individuals with Parkinson's Disease by participating in our Dance for PD program

Community Engagement and Educational Programs
Did you know your gift...
• Helps veterans reintegrate with their families by providing free tickets to 2,500 military veterans
• Introduces ballet to 7,000 of the Valley's youth, including 5,000 low-income students, to experience performances of Swan Lake, Cinderella, and The Nutcracker
• Delivers extraordinary dance to people throughout Maricopa County with five FREE outdoor concerts
• Helps grow the arts in critical ways by enhancing our community's quality of life and a creative workforce


"Ballet Arizona is ESSENTIAL! To dance, create, and come together to celebrate has always been the core of human interaction and joy." - Rebecca Martinez

"We want children and their families to enjoy the beauty of ballet, and we hope that ballet will become part of their future." - Diane Eckstein

"Thank you Ballet Arizona for being a bright light in the Valley and for all you do to bring the joy of dance to the community." - Jeri Kirschner

"I am choosing to give because it has never mattered more. Arts are what nourish and sustain us, without them, what are we?" - Stacy Gould

"During these unprecedented times, it takes all of us to come together and support one another. Keep dancing and performing - brings joy to so many." - Donna Slowik

Organization Data


Organization name

Ballet Arizona

Tax id (EIN)




2835 E. Washington St.
Phoenix, AZ 85034



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