Organization name
Clarkdale Historical Society and Museum
P O Box 806Clarkdale, AZ 86324
The Clarkdale Museum provides a friendly quiet atmosphere in which visitors can pursue research pertaining to numerous subjects, including towns of the Verde Valley, family genealogies, mining and smelter history, architecture, Native Americans, farming and ranching, and railroad history. Our focus is primarily Clarkdale and its establishment by William A. Clark--but we also have material relating to Jerome, Cottonwood, and Sedona. Holdings include original records of the company town (1912-1957), such as house rental records, and utility bills: Clarkdale High School yearbooks; original blueprints of many of the houses; cemetery records for Cottonwood, Jerome, and Clarkdale; and oral histories from long-time residents
"This place is a gem!" "Wonderful tour!" "I was born here!' "It's lovely here!'
Organization name
Clarkdale Historical Society and Museum
P O Box 806