Orchestra Northern Arizona

A nonprofit organization

$120 raised by 3 donors

2% complete

$5,000 Goal

Our mission is to entertain our community with free, informal concerts for the whole family, inspiring musicians and audiences alike with an emphasis on classical music.

We believe that music is an invaluable part of community life, and ONA strives to make orchestral music available to everyone, regardless of age or income, through free concerts in a family-friendly, informal venue.

ONA believes that youth should have access to the arts and knows firsthand that exposure to and participation in live symphonic music can be transformational. ONA welcomes participation by high school musicians and welcomes families with children of all ages to our concerts.

Orchestra Northern Arizona is a non-profit, intergenerational community orchestra that brings together players of diverse backgrounds and levels of experience to share the joy of playing and performing classical music.

We are committed to educational partnerships that bring musicians and students together, to collaborative efforts that support other arts organizations within our community, and to giving all musicians, amateur and professional alike, the opportunity to learn and perform orchestral music.


"ONA fills a much-needed niche in the artistic life of the greater Flagstaff community. It provides an opportunity for classical music experience-both in performance participation and in concert attendance that is otherwise denied to many."

"Being a part of the audience, enjoying a performance that was so thoughtfully done with love and care, really made me feel an appreciation for the Flagstaff community. The joy that the musicians had whilst performing was infectious-connecting us all through a shared experience."

"I wouldn't have picked up my instrument again without ONA. I needed this group."

"I am extremely grateful that there is an orchestra of this caliber in my community. If not for ONA I would never be able to play my instrument in a group without traveling prohibitive distances."

"I have performed as soloist with the Orchestra Northern Arizona twice now, and can confidently say they bring so much to the folks in Flagstaff – in the way of culture, education, and community."

Giving Activity

Organization Data


Organization name

Orchestra Northern Arizona

Tax id (EIN)




809 W Riordan Rd #100-261
Flagstaff, AZ 86001



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