Verde River Trail Signage Repair

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Friends of the Verde River
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Help us to replace old trail signage with informative signs for locals and visitors.


raised by 0 people

$4,444 goal

19 days left

Help us enhance our local trails near the Verde River Jail Trail. We hope to inspire visitors to remove litter that impacts water quality. 

Updating trail signage in local river communities is essential to safeguarding the Verde River and enhancing visitor experiences. New and repaired signs will provide clear guidance on trail routes, safety tips, and responsible hiking practices, such as staying on designated paths to prevent erosion and protecting fragile riparian habitats.

Educational signage will also inform hikers about the importance of the Verde River’s ecosystem, encouraging stewardship and sustainable use. By improving trail signage, we ensure the river's health while creating a safer, more informed environment for outdoor enthusiasts. 

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